The capitalistic society has transformed us into slaves of consumerism. Our growing need
for merchandise is ever-expanding and creates a huge pressure on the manufactures to deliver
goods at a low cost and high rate. At the same time, there is even greater pressure on the
natural resources and it is the animals living there who pay the biggest price in the end.
The Atlantic slave trade was a horrible business, and a result of the constant need for
cheap goods, just like today. Africans were captured in their own habitat, mostly by other africans
, and shipped to the Americas, where about 40% of them ended up in Brazil. There they were
forced to work in the sugar fields and mines for their masters until they died. Later, coffee and
cattle meat was in demand, so they imported even more slaves to increase their profit. Some of
the slaves were lucky and managed to escape into the jungle where they became in one with
nature and started their own tribes which still exist today. Most of the slaves were not that lucky
and the descendants of these people are now living in poverty as modern slaves. They are forced
to work at horrible factories and are paid a slave’s salary. Because they are slaves to their own
needs for water, food, and so on, they are slaves to the dollar. The only choices they have are to join
a gang and risk their lives fighting the police and other gangs, or take up work in one of the
dangerous factories producing the goods we so badly want.
The growing population on earth is constantly in need of more goods. The pressure on natural resources is huge, and growing every day. The rainforest is set on fire to clear the fields
for more cattle, to feed the needs of the enslaved consumer. This destroys the natural habitat of
many animals who then go extinct when they have nowhere to go. Since the 1950s, 70% of all
known species have disappeared from the surface of the earth. Since the dawn of time, there have
been six major extinctions on earth, the last of which, we have created ourselves. It’s the only mass
extinction ever created by an organism. The last time there was a mass extinction, an enormous
meteorite crashed in the Mexico Gulf and a huge explosion filled the air with dust for about five
years, blocking out the sunlight. This is what killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Today the
descendants of these magnificent creatures are once again threatened by our constant need for
more. The beautiful birds that fill the air with color and song may soon all be gone if we continue
down the same path of unsustainable destruction.